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IDEA: Native Third Party Adservers – Defeat Adblocking in a Pro-Consumer Way

Disclaimer – The below are merely thoughts, presented in a haphazard way, I am not saying that the below is necessarily a good idea or even an idea that could ever work. It most certainly won’t be ready by end of play Thursday.

Most adblockers work by blocking certain third party domains from loading content into the browser. Domain blacklists are created and maintained that contain all the known URLs that serve up advertising.

The way around this, as some sites are looking at, is to create entirely native ad units; but these are expensive for clients and creative agencies to work with and don’t work for the wide range of small blogs and websites (that actually make up a great deal of the Internet) trying to make a bit of money from some ads. The other problem with native ad units is that clients need some way to third party track them so they can corroborate how many times they have been loaded and what users who see/click on them do next. It’s no good if the ads visibly appear but the trackers around them are blocked.

What if the third party adserver went entirely native, I know that’s sounds like a contradiction of terms but stay with me. The way this could work would be similar to how many server to server tracking solutions work currently but with a twist that I’ll get on to in a second.